Nikki Epperson Designs has a new template pack out this week. I have always been a fan of her templates. You can go over a year back on my blog here and see that. :) I use her templates all the time. I am a big fan of one photo layouts and she has some of the best. Not to mention her clustering rawks!
Here is Sweet Starts Mini Vol. 5
Gimme Layers Triple Threat Vol. 1
Gimme Layers Lite Vol. 5
and last by not least
Gimme Layers Vol. 8
Did I image and template overload you? Not a bad thing!! :) Never can have too many templates! I hope you are having a swell day where you are. *sigh* I go back to work tomorrow. But I guess after having two weeks off, I cant really complain...right?!? ;) Maybe just a little. ☮
Congrats on making the team girl!! They're lucky to have you!!