I am not really sure what the heading photo has to do with this. Except it looks kind of like a gallery, and I like the giraffes. And there is a giraffe in the layout I Scrapped. So I chose it to be the heading photo from the 2nd edition of looking at photos from my archives.
I've been scrapping since 2009. I've been adding layouts to the digital scrapbooking world's galleries since 2010. Now, a lot of those galleries and stores are no more. However, GingerScraps and Sweet Shoppe Designs still are! I have layouts in their galleries going back to 2010. Mostly starting around 2011 though. And sadly, a lot of the designers are not designing and selling anymore either. But, if they are still selling, I will be adding their store information & maybe some of my favorite things currently in their store to the post. I would be surprised if some of the products from 2010 are still in store. Without further ado...
This layout is from 2010. My son was not 2 months old at that time. He was 3. However, I was, and still am a repeat photo scrapper. I don't disregard a photo because I've already scrapped it. Some of my favorite photos have been scrapped 5+ times over the years. But this one is of my sweet little 2-month-old baby. With his head full of crazy hair! And his little panda bear. Of course, my son had panda bears. Multiple ones.
For this layout, I used a long-retired kit from a long-retired designer. She was one of the very first creative teams I was on. Credits are: Never Stop Growing by Marshmella Designs