Good Tuesday morning! I hope this post is finding everyone well! I have another ScrapMatter's designer to show you today. LawTeeDa Designs is keep with the Favorite Things Mini Collections. This week she designed my favorite so far. "Favorite Things Mini: Faith" I love the concept behind this kit and the color scheme she chose. Faith is a thing I think may people have a hard time living with. Giving your problems and fears over to God. Having faith that he will be there and take care of you. I know I sure do. But faith is a wonderful thing to have. This kit is a wonderful kit and I love the concept behind it! Check it out: (Click HERE to purchase)
and here is my page: As you can see, my page is about the faith a mom (me in this case) puts in God when she is pregnant. I am a natural worrier. Just ask Jerr, he will tell you I am. I prayed from the moment that little test said positive to the moment he was born that he would get here safely and healthy. Well, I still haven't stopped praying.
And speaking of my little guy. I couldn't leave without showing another photo. This was last Friday. Isaiah and I playing with the camera still. He wanted me to make funny faces with him. Well, I just worked all night previous and just waxed my eyebrows. I looked a fright. But I do what he wants. :D And I am sure I am going to get a whoopin' from my Mommy for sticking my tongue out and encouraging my son to do the same. Sorry Mommy! xoxoxo! :D