Happy Friday!! I didnt think today would ever get here. Seriously I sat at work the last four hours and it felt like a week! Those last four hours kick my rear every time come Friday morning. I have lots of new digi goodness to show you. I wont overload you in one post. But you will love what these designers are k…
Showing posts from March, 2012

I have some new layouts! Most of them with some awesome new digi-goodness too. :) I was a scrapping machine this weekend. I couldnt wait to sit down and scrap. I am SO happy to be back to that point. I suggest that if you ever get to a point of losing your mojo, take some time off. For real! It really helped me. Any…

I have been scrapping quite a bit here lately. It is nice to have my mojo back. I have been looking forward to getting off work (besides the getting off work part. lol) and getting home to scrap a bit before bed and my Sunday night scrapping time. Here are some products of that scrapping mojo. :) Pretend P…

Good morning!! TGIF! Who's with me?!? :) So, I have been taking a lot of photos of my son and just loving how his big ol' brown eyes pop in all the photos I have been taking. I might be a bit biased because that (besides the 'tude) is the only thing he seems to have gotten from me. For some reaso…

I am surrounded by it! My best friend is due any day & my son asks me for a brother, sister, or a brother AND a sister about twice a week. sigh. Surrounded! lol. But, I do love looking at my son's baby photos. I cannot believe how much he is grown up. He is nearly 4 and a half. That is just baffling to me. Th…

Yeah, I dont expect you to. lol. I know I dont. The title just fit the layouts. :D However, I do know one little boy who is usually always smiling and loves to clean...seriously. So, did you know it it GGI at Gotta Pixel? I have always loved that event. Great items for just $1. Two of the designers I CT for sell at …

Good morning! Long time no see! I am back from a scrapping break. I am coming back with something sweet. Not only dig-sweet. But sweet as candy. :) Candy Love by Pixelily Designs What's more tempting and exciting than a jar full of colorful candies? And who doesn't love candies? This kit is perfect fo…

La'Shawn aka Shawn Bear
I’ve been digital scrapbooking for 15 years. This is my little corner of the internet to showcase my digital scrapbooking layouts, designs from creative teams I am on, and the latest digital scrapbooking supplies I am fangirling over! I am a 39 year old wife and mom. I live in Georgia, here in the states. I am a Jesus believing, panda loving, digi scrapping, photo taking, memory making, true crime watching, historical fiction reading, nap taking, hike going, football yelling, introverted nerd.
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