Last week, I spent a good two hours over at my sis's house holding my new little nephew while he slept. Man he is a power sleeper! I guess he has to be with his louder big brother. You throw my loud child in there...poor little E has to be a power sleeper! He hardly made a noise. However, Big E and Bug ran around and destroyed my sis's house. Had sword fights & wanted to play with what each other was playing with. It was fun though. Before I left, I snapped a photo of little E after I finally relinquished him.
This week it was big E's 2nd birthday. (he really isnt that big. But both their name's start with E and for their privacy, that is what they will be called here. He actually has the cutest little chunky short legs ever! I just love them!) So, big E had a Mickey Mouse party. With a tootles cake. Dont know what tootles is? Be glad! :) lol. This photo was how he unwrapped every present. Each and every piece had to be taken off & in small pieces. :) Then Bug and Big E ran around like chickens with their heads cut of screaming and hollering....while Little E power slept. :) I love it!
(oh yeah, Happy St Patrick's Day!)