I am not just a scrapping fanatic…whaaat? :) that’s right. I am also a huge Harry Potter dork. Oh yeah! I have been a Harry Potter dork since I was a young teenager. My sister started reading the first book not long after it came out. She convinced my mom and I we needed to read it. We were hooked. (my mom WAY more than me. lol) I have hardly read a book that hooked me the first chapter. I am also not a fantasy book reader. The Harry Potter books are also the only books, to date, that I have been able to read through more than once. So, with that being said, I am happy and sad that the last movie is coming out this year. Bitter sweet I guess. I have waited on pins and needles and watched every preview with a squeal. So, I was excited to see this preview. Yes, this nearly 30 year old woman squealed and then sighed. I realized it was going to be my last one. {sigh} So…here you go. Watch it with me:
(spoilers if you haven’t read)
I swear I hold my breath every time. Everyone standing over Fred’s body. The dragon. The fight. Eeeek! Lol.
Thanks for taking part in a dorky moment with me.
"Because I have something worth living for" ;)
(Check out MuggleNet if you love HP!)
Oooooooh, thanks for showing!! I am the biggest HP fan (and I'm over 30...lol).
I cry every time I read or see Dobby's death (and I think I've read Deathly Hallows 4 times at least and seen the movie 3 or 4).
I also love Mugglenet. When HP was in full swing and the books were still being released, the story progressing, I used to visit it everyday and spend hours there, reading theories and fun articles (instead of working on my Master's thesis).
I'm super sad the series is over, the movies are going to be soon, but I'm anxious to visit the theme park in Orlando!!
Sorry, I get way overexcited about HP ;)
So glad I am not the only one! :)