Do not let this photo trick you. He was actually having a good time. haha. I had to get a photo in front of the Grim Reaper at my parents...
Showing posts from March, 2011
The ABC's of Me. :) It is kinda silly but fun. I got it from reading Haynay's blog . I would love for you guys to do it and link back to me. I am interested in the ABC's of you! A . Age: 27 B . Bed size: king C . Chore you dislike: Dishes. Something about touching half eaten food grosses me out! D . Dogs: …
I just had too much to put in yesterday's post. I was going to. I just didnt want to overload you. I thought it was like eating a good chocolate cake. lol. You can't have too much of a good thing. But I always feel guilty after eating too much of a good thing. lol. Soooo...I thought I would spread it out just …
I told you I would be back! Thanks for the sweet comment Marif!! :) {hugs!} I have a LOT of things to show you today that are awesome! So I will keep my normal blabbering to a minimum and just jump right to overloading your visual senses. :) True Blue is now at ScrapMatters and I am super excited!! I have been a fan o…
Happy Friday everyone. I should be at work when this posts. Make sure you stop by ScrapMatter's STORE today for all the fantastic new releases! I scrapped with so many this week, I will be showing them through out the next few days. Today however, I have a freebie. When I started making the templates the other da…
What a good week! I had the best weekend I have had at work last weekend. For work, it was good!! I got up Friday morning with a determination not to let it get to me. To have a better attitude and I think if I heard "You seem better." once, I heard it 5 times a day those three days. It is amazing the differ…
I just finished the book I started Monday night. " Redeeming Love " by Francine Rivers. I have always enjoyed reading christian fiction. I enjoy reading period. Some of the christian fiction books I have read have been just like any other books. A good read. Some of them have tugged at me a little bit. Howev…
Howdy! I thought I would try my hand at making a template. As much as I love templates and use them ALL the time, I thought I would give back. :) I think templates are my most favorite freebies to get. So let me know what you think. I will be doing more. It was fun!! Here ya go: Click HERE to download And here is the…
I am not just a scrapping fanatic…whaaat? :) that’s right. I am also a huge Harry Potter dork. Oh yeah! I have been a Harry Potter dork since I was a young teenager. My sister started reading the first book not long after it came out. She convinced my mom and I we needed to read it. We were hooked. (my mom WAY more…
Did you know that the talented Lisa of Aprilisa Designs is guesting this month at Gotta Pixel? Well, if you didnt you should run over to her STORE and check it out. She has packed her store full of new and awesome goodies! Aprilisa is seriously one of my favorite designers. I have been using her designs since she fir…
I am not a big movie buff. There a few movies that I just love though. Not really the kind that everyone else would love. I am a huge Harry Potter dork. I fully admit it. I admit it to all the guys at work with much ridicule & with much pride! I am also a total chick and adore Pride and Prejudice! Something about …
It's Friday again?!? I can't believe that. I swear my weeks fly by. Especially since I hardly do anything. Ugh. Well, on to better news than being at work. It's time for new releases at ScrapMatters today! Yay! In all honesty, before I started CTing for the store, I would wait for Friday's to see what…
Happy St Patricks Day...again. Yes, I know I am writing two posts in one day. One was really early in the morning though & I had not gone to bed. So really...that was still Wednesday. A lot of places, it still was! lol. Has anyone gotten pinched today? I am going to wear green when the Hubs gets home so I dont get…
All about the nephews this past two weeks. :) I am really not much for leaving the house on my 4 days off. In fact, I loath to leave it. Spending nearly every waking hour 3 days a week, not happy, makes me just want to hole up the days I am off. But the past two weeks, when I did go out, it was to see my sis and the o…
Happy Sunday everyone! I hope you are enjoying it. It is my last work day. yay! I hope when this posts, I am not getting my teeth kicked in at work! On to the goodies! This week Queen of Hearts has some awesome goodies out in her DSB store. My favorite being her new kit " Everyone Loves Diane " I am so happ…

La'Shawn aka Shawn Bear
I’ve been digital scrapbooking for 15 years. This is my little corner of the internet to showcase my digital scrapbooking layouts, designs from creative teams I am on, and the latest digital scrapbooking supplies I am fangirling over! I am a 39 year old wife and mom. I live in Georgia, here in the states. I am a Jesus believing, panda loving, digi scrapping, photo taking, memory making, true crime watching, historical fiction reading, nap taking, hike going, football yelling, introverted nerd.
Popular posts
Shawn Bear Reads!
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- Redeeming Love
- Template Tuesday....FREEBIE!
- Have a dorky moment with me please.
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- New Release Friday!
- About Me: Part 5
- Wonderful New Release Wednesday!
- Project 52: Week 9
- About Me: Part 4
- Aprilisa is Guesting at GP!
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