Here is one of them this week. The Design Girl's
With its sweet colors and elements and touch of vintage feeling to it. This kit is pefect for scrapping any summer photo. Be it at the beach or in your back yard. Dont let those pretty colors fool you! It is perfect for scrapping your boys as well! ;)
Thanks for stopping by today! I have one day down and two more to go. Woot! Keep me in your prayers. It isnt that I have a horrible job. I am blessed to have the job that I do. I just have a stressful job! And as I wear my emotions on my sleeve and stress on my shoulders, 13 hours wears me down. So, that is why I count down and ask for prayers. Really can't beat a job that is only 3 days a week. ;)
Praying for a good day at work for you ;)